Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Paragraph Essay

                        Homework in School

    Homework can helps us in life. Homework helps us to get smarter in school. Homework help us to get in a good college. Homework helps us to be responsible in life. Therefore, we should have homework.

     I have t do homework t get smart in school. I want ti get good grades in school. I do homework to do well in school. homework helps in school because we can review the class work, or get ready for a test. Therefore, we should have homework to make us smarter.


     We will do homework to go to college. I will do homework to go to college so I can have a good job. If we do homework, we can get a scholarship and that's why I an doing homework. I will do homework because its is a better chance to get in college. If you get good grades, you can go to college.   therefore, we should have homework to go to college.

Learning responsibility is a big deal when we are growing up. Learning to be responsible everything, but start by doing homework. We will grow up to be responsible adult because we did our homework in school. I will do homework to become a better person in life. Homework helps us to be responsible. therefore, we should have homework to become a responsible person.
   Homework  is important. It all of the kids in middle and high school do their homework, they will get smart in school. A lot of people get homework, and they do it, and they will get in a good college. I will do my homework to go to a good college. Many people do homework to be responsible and become a good adult for life. Therefore, we will do homework in school

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Will Hobbs Book Report

       He was in camp for six days and the last full day of their trip. He was playing with a Steller sea lion that snorted at him. Monica was padding fast toward him and said "Stop! Stop!" as she reached out and grabbed hold of his kayak. Everyone went to their tents but him,he stayed longer. He said that he needed to go to hidden Falls like i need water, air or food. He saw a sea otter eating a sea urchin. He doesn't need a map, he knows the place's name and the coastline shape. he was thinking of Colorado and hie mom waiting for him at the airport. he was thinking of his friends, listen to his new CD.

        He was padding hard that his arms started to cramp but he kept padding into the waves and the wind. He clawed his way out of the water and collapsed. The rain lashed at his face. He was talking to him self about to take of his clothes. He was planning to go to the beach to fight his kayak but he saw a bear. His heart was jacked up. He said that the hundred of the black dots were berry seeds. The mama bear and cubs were eating a dead whale that washed up shore. His mom said that he was old enough and mature enough to make the trip to Alaska by himself. He's belly was full of water and nothing else. he said before the pack of wolf disappeared in the tall grass, that the leader turned around and surprised the dog. The Newfie had his back turned around and the alpha male attacked. he was waiting for the plane to rescue him.    

       He went through a devil's club to find the man who disappeared into the woods. He saw an eagle fly by with a fish. Andy saw that he was in a engulfed of darkness. He fallowed the mysterious man over rivers, over mountains and everywhere there was bears, monstrous bears. He woke up and could feel his fingers toes and hands. the dog stayed with him because he had the spear. Andy was checking the dog's ear and it had blood and dirt. He thought that his dad had ever been missing and he said that might be a reason of hope. He trusts the dog and he said that the dog is his lifeline. The dog was watching the mother brown bear and the three cubs. The dog caught a big salmon that was trashing his jaws. The dog began to strip the fishes skin off. Andy was petting the dog and the dog licked his hand.

        He said that morning brought rain. The dog suddenly stopped and perked up his ears and started to listened intently. The dog was eating meat from a bone. Andy said that the dog was going crazy, and said "I'm more hungrier than you are." Andy said that he was safe and warm and he was at the cove that his dad died trying to find. He looked at his watch and his watch said it was four. He looked around for the dog and he was gone. The wild man asked him how long the dog was here and Andy said a few hours. Andy said the he was between the devil and the deep blue sea. Andy was carrying the strap of the hide bag over his neck and shoulder. he wouldn't survive swimming out of the cave in forty-degree water. he said that the tide was coming in. The sky was purple black and the strait from the gale. Hiss head was pounding and he touched it gently and came with blood.

     As Andy was standing up, he heard faint echoes that sounded like rushing water. He guessed that a large cave was ahead. He saw a bear attacking a seal and went of with the seal in his jaws. Andy always find a way to continue on the side of a creek or another. He saw a carving of seals or sea lions, each of them have a harpoon sticking out for their bodes. He heard a flute. He said it must be a dream. The wild man found out how to call killer whales out of the water. A bird followed him, croaking from tree to tree. He said right away he thought of the bear carcass. He said that he noticed that for once he's teeth were clean and bright. He turned and walked away and he held his breath and he said that he didn't look back until he was out of range of the spear. he said that he stayed at the backbone of the ridge. He got put of the trees at the particularly a gallop and he said that shot straight an arrow across the tundra. It was late fall. He knew that he will have more adventures in his life time. he always thinks of the Wild Man Island.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 paragraph practice


Brandon, The Best Veterinarian There Ever Was!

When I grow up I think I'd make a great veterinarian. I've always enjoyed helping animals when  they are sick or hurt and etc. One of me favorite things to do id playing with animals. I even have some experiencece at helping animals  when i was title and I find so many animals around my house. I'm really goods at helping animals, I like animals and I like traveling, therefore, I will be the best veterinarian that ever was!

      Helping animals has always come naturally to me. there was that time when I found  little bird in me front yard with a broken wing. I'm always looking for hurt animals. whenever I find animals, I immediate help to the little animal. Being able to helping animals is the first step along the path to becoming a great veterinarian.

      liking animals is another thing O really enjoy. it's so exciting to be around animals I feel like a kingdom of animals. I am animals , pencils is to writing. Being able to like animals is for the rest of my life would be fun!

      Traveling takes a special talent. I gained a lot of exaperience at traveling and helping  animals around the world. I learned a lot about the animals in my travels. For example, traveling to Brazil to visit famous zoos. The time I spent travel is sure to give me an  advantage when it comes to becoming a veterinarian.

      The three most important ingredients required in order to become a successful veterinarian are good at helping animals, to like animals and like to traveling, and i've got them all! I'm never so happy as when I'm in the midst of helping animals. it's like Mr.A said " that you can be the world greatest veterinarian.

       When I'm helping animals, I rock, and that's why I'll be the best there veterinarian ever was!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Perfcet Paragraph Practice

I am planning to be a vampire. Well I don't know what I am going to be because this is my first time I am doing Halloween because my mom doesn't like Halloween because she things it is the walk of the dead. I am going to a wedding on Halloween and going to a party after the wedding and that's where we are putting costumes on. That's is what I am planning to be.
I got the picture from