Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 paragraph practice


Brandon, The Best Veterinarian There Ever Was!

When I grow up I think I'd make a great veterinarian. I've always enjoyed helping animals when  they are sick or hurt and etc. One of me favorite things to do id playing with animals. I even have some experiencece at helping animals  when i was title and I find so many animals around my house. I'm really goods at helping animals, I like animals and I like traveling, therefore, I will be the best veterinarian that ever was!

      Helping animals has always come naturally to me. there was that time when I found  little bird in me front yard with a broken wing. I'm always looking for hurt animals. whenever I find animals, I immediate help to the little animal. Being able to helping animals is the first step along the path to becoming a great veterinarian.

      liking animals is another thing O really enjoy. it's so exciting to be around animals I feel like a kingdom of animals. I am animals , pencils is to writing. Being able to like animals is for the rest of my life would be fun!

      Traveling takes a special talent. I gained a lot of exaperience at traveling and helping  animals around the world. I learned a lot about the animals in my travels. For example, traveling to Brazil to visit famous zoos. The time I spent travel is sure to give me an  advantage when it comes to becoming a veterinarian.

      The three most important ingredients required in order to become a successful veterinarian are good at helping animals, to like animals and like to traveling, and i've got them all! I'm never so happy as when I'm in the midst of helping animals. it's like Mr.A said " that you can be the world greatest veterinarian.

       When I'm helping animals, I rock, and that's why I'll be the best there veterinarian ever was!

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